Sunset News: Americans Can Control Our Own Energy Destiny

"We know we belong to the land and the land we belong to is grand"

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Americans Can Control Our Own Energy Destiny

Americans Can Control Our Own Energy Destiny

Our energy and environment challenges are real. But America has the technological know-how and the entrepreneurial spirit to overcome them. And, as I pointed out last week, Americans overwhelmingly support more domestic production of energy to help ease gas prices.

We -- not the Saudis or the oil companies -- control our energy future. We just need the political will to do so.

High energy prices aren't theoretical, they have real consequences for real people. The answer, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan, isn't easy, but it's simple -- so simple it could fit on a bumper sticker:

Drill Here
Drill Now
Pay Less

For information on how you can help, click here.

Your friend,

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